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MyScorecard strives to provide its users and partners with the highest level of customer service. We will do our best to answer your email questions as quickly as possible. You can send emails to As well, for the quickest response, we have listed our most often asked questions below - just click on one of the topics and then click on the most relevant question.

General Questions|Password & Login Issues|Official Handicaps|Clubs & Leagues|Partners & Affiliates

General Questions

We realized you may have some questions about the service - feel free to email us, or to sign up for a free 30-day trial to explore our many features.
Your handicap is a statistical measure of how you might play on a good day. Note that it is not your "average score."

Your handicap is calculated using a pretty complex formula, which we take care of for you.

You can use your handicap to measure your improvement, to compare your performance to your peers, and to set up evenly matched competitions between you and other golfers.
You use your handicap index to calculate a course handicap (we do that for you) which is the measure of your potential at the golf course you will be playing. Then, you compare your course handicap to a fellow golfers, giving the difference in strokes to the higher handicap golfers (Thus a 10 handicap gives a 15 handicap 5 strokes). You would do so on the hardest holes marked by the "Handicap" row on the scorecard (In the example above, it would be a stroke on the 5 hardest holes). Once you do this, you will have effectively created an even match between all players - this allows you to have a tight competition between golfers of all skill levels, and more fun on the course.

As well, you can use your handicap to track how you are performing over time - even if you play golf courses with different pars or different levels of difficulty. As you improve, so does your handicap.
If you still have access to your scores, we can help you import them in to MyScorecard. Just send us an email.

Because a handicap is calculated off of your previous scores, and because it is dependent upon the order of those scores as well as the variation between them, we need to have your score history to properly compute a handicap - we cannot just import a number. You are welcome to enter your previous scores directly into your Scorecard, or contact us for help in importing your previous scores.
We'd love to hear it! Send us an email at with your suggestion, and we'll do our best to implement it.

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