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Official Handicaps

While official handicaps use the same calculation as unofficial handicaps, they enable you to print out official handicap cards and meet the requirements to enter official tournaments or play at a number of clubs.

Official Handicap Overview
The Plain English Answer: Yes. The USGA has two "requirements" for a handicap to be official. The first is the calculation, and the handicap you receive on MyScorecard conforms to official guidelines and is the correct handicap. The second is what the USGA calls "group cohesion," and it means that you need to be part of a local group/club that is recognized by the USGA and conforms to its requirements. MyScorecard has these clubs on its web site, and we let you join these clubs easily and at no extra charge, in the same way you would join a club formed by one of your friends on the site - in fact, we also help you form them if you are interested in running your own official club (for friends, other MyScorecard members, or both). If you are part of one of these clubs on MyScorecard, you then meet both requirements, and yes your handicap is official (your club will be listed on the USGA web site).

The USGA Jargon Answer: MyScorecard offers official handicaps to members who are part of an Official USGA Club formed on its web site. There is no additional charge for forming or being a member of such clubs. MyScorecard allows the formation of "type 2" golf clubs (which we call "private," and is a club without real estate formed by members with pre-existing affiliation), or members can form or join a "type 3" golf club (which we call "open," and is a club without real estate, with recruiting through solicitation to the general public in a specific area like greater Chicago). MyScorecard facilitates the Official Club formation, application, peer review, group cohesion and maintenance process through its Web Site, and enables the club to issue Official USGA handicap cards to club members (you can print them out straight from the web site). Official clubs are recognized by the USGA, and are listed on the USGA web site. Official Clubs must adhere to USGA rules and requirements, including that of handicap committee, peer review, and group cohesion. You can form or join an official club by pressing the Clubhouse link in the navigation bar, and then selecting Find Clubs or Create Clubs link. For more on official USGA handicap requirements, please visit the USGA web site at
To get an official handicap you can join an established official club in your area that is open to other MyScorecard members. To find out if there is an official club in your area, go to the Clubhouse and press the "Find Clubs" button. You will see a listing of Open Official Clubs in your area and instructions for joining.
You can join an established official club in your area that is open to other MyScorecard members. To find out if there is an official club in your area, go to the Clubhouse and press the "Find Clubs" button. You will see a listing of Open Official Clubs in your area and instructions for joining.

Note that there are two types of clubs listed. "Open" clubs are clubs that you can join immediately - simply write down the club ID and password, press the join club button, and fill in that information. You will then become a member of the club. If a club is listed as "invite-only," it means that they are looking for members like yourself, but want to hear from you first. We list the contact email for the member who is the club administrator, and encourage you to contact them. They should be able to send you the club ID and password to join.
The USGA requires you to join clubs in your local area - within approximately 50 miles, or so, of your residence. As a result, we may not always have official clubs within your local area.

If there are no official clubs in your area, you can always try your work address - it may in fact be in range of an official club. A second option is for you to start your own official club. It is easy to do so, and may quickly reach the 10 member minimum to begin the application process.

If you have any questions about clubs in your area or about forming official clubs, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your Official Handicap and Trend Handicap are both "indexes" (though the USGA does not want you to call your Trend Handicap an Index), and both are calculated using the same formula. The difference between the two is that your Official Handicap is only updated on revision dates (sometimes called the effective date) while your trend handicap is updated every time you play. Revision dates for official clubs are listed on your club overview, and typically occur once or twice a month during the relevant season (both the season length and revision dates differ by state). This timing was originally created to facilitate the updating of physical handicap cards (when they had to be mailed) and also to smooth out changes in a golfer's ability.

In contrast, the trend handicap updates immediately every time you enter a score. Thus, when you enter a score, your trend handicap will update right away, while your official handicap index will remain the same, only "catching" up on the revision date.
Your Official Handicap is only updated on revision dates (sometimes called the effective date). Revision dates for official clubs are listed on your club overview, and typically occur once or twice a month during the relevant season (both the season length and revision dates differ by state). This timing was originally created to facilitate the updating of physical handicap cards (when they had to be mailed) and also to smooth out changes in a golfer's ability. Thus, when you enter a score, your trend handicap will update right away, while your official handicap index will remain the same, only "catching" up on the revision date.
For your official handicap card, scores only count up to a certain date (called the effective date), and are revised once or twice a month during the relevant season (both the season length and revision dates differ by state). This timing was originally created to facilitate the updating of physical handicap cards (when they had to be mailed) and also to smooth out changes in a golfer's ability.

If you belong to an official club you will see both your official handicap index (blue box) and what we call your "trend" handicap (orange box). While the trend handicap is calculated in the same way as an official handicap it considers all of your scores, including the ones immediately posted. Thus your trend handicap gives an immediate reflection of your ability. MyScorecard also calculates more accurate local handicaps, i.e. handicaps that are above the maximum official handicap set by the USGA (36.4 for men and 40.4 for women) - these will be marked with an "L".
The revision date is when the Official Handicap is calculated, and thus only scores before the revision date are accepted. Scores on revision dates will be included the following revision date.
For unofficial (but accurate) handicaps, you can enter your scores on the "honor system."

If you wish to have an official handicap card, then the USGA specifies that you need to join one of the officially recognized groups on our site (at no extra cost). The USGA requires that their official clubs has "group cohesion" - meaning it is more than just a collection of strangers. They enforce group cohesion by required you to play at least 3 times with another club members and attend at least one play-day. That rule is enforced by the club itself, not by us.

Thus, if you simply wish to obtain an unofficial handicap, you do not need to play with anyone else. If you wish to be able to print an official card, then the USGA has set guidelines associated with "group cohesion" that may be enforced by the club.

Official Handicap Cards
The handicap card you can print out on MyScorecard is valid for all official uses. In addition, for an additional fee you can purchase a plastic card. The plastic card has the same authority as the printable version, but is more durable and comes with a set of printable labels that you can use to update your handicap from your home computer each revision date.

Using Official Handicaps
Yes. If you are a member of an official club on MyScorecard, then you can print out your official handicap card to enter tournaments that require one. Tournament organizers can confirm your club's official status on the USGA web site, and can confirm your handicap by pressing the Peer Review button on the main MyScorecard login page. Note that while you can use an official USGA handicap from MyScorecard to enter tournaments that require an official handicap, some tournaments may have additional requirements (member of a private club, member of a regional association, or have a certain skill level) that limit entry - be sure to check with the tournament beforehand.
Golf professionals, tournament organizers (and anyone else) can confirm your handicap by going to the main MyScorecard page and clicking on the Handicap Lookup link in the navigation bar. They can then look up your information by your username or by your name and state/province. If you have an official handicap, they will then see your official handicap card, your most recent scores, and a verification sheet. (They can also confirm your club's official status on the USGA web site). If anyone verifying your handicap has any questions, please tell them to contact us directly.
In short, no. The USGA has a few programs for official handicaps. One is through associations. The other is directly the USGA. MyScorecard uses the latter. This is why the clubs on MyScorecard are listed directly on the USGA web site. It is also why you do not have to pay fees to the association (though your club is still required to abide by the region's season and revision dates), and why we can give you such great value on your membership. This may mean that some tournaments that require specific association membership in an association are not open to you, in spite of having an Official USGA handicap card. If you have any further questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Official clubs on MyScorecard are licensed directly by the USGA and appear on their web site in their authorized clubs database. The GHIN system is used by regional associations under a different USGA program. Because MyScorecard clubs are licensed directly by the USGA and don't pay fees to the regional association, they do not use the GHIN system.

Note that handicaps are conferred by the club you belong to, not the GHIN system.Thus your ability to get official handicaps from official clubs on MyScorecard. Tournaments often ask for the GHIN number because the GHIN system enables golfers who are members of the regional association to lookup each other scores, or enter in from course computers. Tournaments or other relevant bodies can verify an official clubs' status on the USGA web site and can to the MyScorecard Peer Review page (located via our sign in page) to confirm members' scores and handicaps. If the tournament has any further questions, they are welcome to contact us directly.

In addition to offering an official handicap card, MyScorecard has a number of tools and features that will make your game better an more enjoyable. Automatic course handicap calculators, the ability to form clubs with friends and track points, a personalized performance report, and other valuable features.

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